Pee-Wee's Big Adventure was created by Tim Burton in 1985. This movie was about a grown man child who gets his bike stolen in broad daylight. Pee Wee sets out to travel the United States to find his bicycle. The quirky and naive Pee-Wee resembles a cartoon character that one would see on television. Just as Tim Burtons other cartoon characters, Pee Wee shares the anti-social personality. Pee Wee resembles a happy go lucky child who is only fascinated by toys and not human relationships. In this movie Tim exposes Pee Wee to a busy, rude and short tempered American society. It is these types of generalization that I admire from Tim Burton. Tim Burton is not afraid to tell the world that people who do not seem to fit societies perspective on normal are the ones that are the most interesting and kindest.